Hub Le Bas have been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of BS EN ISO9001:2015
Certificate No 6577-QMS-001 is valid until 19/7/27
In response to the growing number of requests that we are receiving for information relation to the new REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals) regulations, we have prepared this standard response.
Having read the appropriate parts of the regulation and discussions with suppliers and importers we are of the opinion that all of the finished and semi-finished steel tubes we supply are defined “ARTICLES” under REACH and therefore no further action is necessary.
As substances contained in articles do not require registration if there is no intended release of a substance during further processing of the article, we do not believe that this is the case of any articles we supply. As I am sure you are aware the regulations are vast and open to interpretation in some areas, we are continuing to take advice from our suppliers and will contact you again if there is any different information to pass on.
We also believe that none of the articles we supply contain (SVHC) substances of very high concern which would also require notification.