Carbon Hollow Bar (CHB)

EN102941-1 2005 E470 (Previously ISO 2938,BS6258)

Hollow Bars are seamless tubes specifically produced for machining, manufactured to close concentricity and straightness tolerances; CHB combines excellent tensile properties with good weld ability.

Whilst the size range we quote is arguably the most comprehensive offered in the UK, should you not see the size you require an ‘ideal’ size can also be supplied by arrangement, to further reduce material wastage on your finished machine component.

We can offer Hollow Bars in a ‘random’ stock length or cut to size.

All of our Carbon Hollow Bar material is supported by mill test certification.

  • Size Chart
Size Chart

Carbon Hollow Bar to EN10294-1:2005 E 470

(Other Grades and Conditions obtainable)

Dimensions achievable after machining when centring on the outside diameter. OD shown is the maximum achievable. ID shown is the minimum achievable.

These figures are based on a maximum machined length of 3 times the delivered OD or 200mm, whichever is smaller.

30 25 80 70 115 100 160 135 200 175 250 200
30 15 80 65 115 95 160 130 200 170 250 190
30 10 80 60 115 90 160 125 200 165 250 180
35 25 80 55 115 85 160 120 200 160 250 170
35 20 80 50 115 80 160 115 200 155 250 160
35 15 80 45 115 75 160 110 200 150 250 155
35 10 80 40 115 70 160 105 200 145 250 150
40 30 85 70 115 65 160 100 200 140 250 145
40 25 85 65 120 100 160 95 200 135 250 140
40 20 85 60 120 95 160 90 200 130 250 135
40 15 85 55 120 90 160 85 200 125 250 130
45 35 85 50 120 85 170 145 200 120 250 125
45 30 85 45 120 80 170 140 200 115 250 120
45 25 90 75 120 75 170 135 200 110
45 20 90 70 120 70 170 130 200 105
45 15 90 65 125 105 170 125 200 100
50 40 90 60 125 100 170 120 210 185
50 35 90 55 125 95 170 115 210 180
50 30 90 50 125 90 170 110 210 175
50 25 90 45 125 85 170 105 210 170
55 45 95 80 125 80 170 100 210 165
55 40 95 75 125 75 170 95 210 160
55 35 95 70 125 70 170 90 210 155
55 30 95 65 130 110 170 85 210 150
55 25 95 60 130 105 170 80 210 145
65 50 95 55 130 100 180 155 210 140
65 45 95 50 130 95 180 150 210 135
65 40 95 45 130 90 180 145 210 130
65 35 100 85 130 85 180 140 210 125
65 30 100 80 130 80 180 135 210 120
65 55 100 75 130 75 180 130 220 180
60 50 100 75 140 120 180 125 220 170
60 45 100 65 140 115 180 120 220 160
60 40 100 60 140 110 180 115 220 155
60 35 100 55 140 105 180 110 220 150
60 30 100 50 140 100 180 105 220 145
70 60 100 45 140 95 180 100 220 140
70 55 105 90 140 90 180 95 220 135
70 50 105 85 140 85 180 90 220 130
70 45 105 80 140 80 180 85 220 125
70 40 105 75 140 75 190 170 220 120
70 35 105 70 150 130 190 165 230 190
70 30 105 65 150 125 190 160 230 180
75 65 105 60 150 120 190 155 230 170
75 60 105 55 150 115 190 150 230 160
75 55 105 50 150 110 190 145 230 155
75 50 110 95 150 105 190 140 230 150
75 45 110 90 150 100 190 1358 230 145
75 40 110 85 150 95 190 130 230 140
75 35 110 80 150 90 190 125 230 135
110 75 150 85 190 120 230 130
110 70 190 115 230 125
110 65 190 110
110 60 190 105
190 100

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